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The 20th DMDS SHOW by JMC & Daniel

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Kizomba Seminar

in Loftstyle Hannover

  I-Kizomba Teacher Training 2-3
  1. 🎓 6 Praxisblöcke, wenig Theorie Für Mittelstufe & Fortgeschrittene
  2. II-Kizomba Bootcamp für Mittelstufe oder Advanced
  3. III-4 Extra-Workshops: Kizomba, Semba, Ginga, Traditioneller Tanz / Afrohouse
  4. IV-Party & Social Dance
    Erhalte dein offizielles Kizomba Teacher-Zertifikat für Mittelstufe- und Fortgeschrittenenkurse!
  • Wann: 30.11. - 01.12.2024
    Wo: Loftstyle Hotel Hannover
  • Verpasse nicht diese einmalige Gelegenheit, dein Kizomba-Wissen und -Skills auf das nächste Level zu bringen!


20th Kizomba Talk Show at Kizznfection

In this special edition of the Kizomba show, we will explore an exciting topic that highlights the international dimension of the dance, delves into its roots, and discusses its future prospects.


“Kizomba: From Angolan Heritage to Global Phenomenon!

 How Can the Dance Grow Worldwide?”

We will dive deep into the history and development of Kizomba, offering a platform for various perspectives. Dance teachers, DJs, and event organizers from different countries will share their experiences and discuss how Kizomba can continue to grow on an international scale. We will also address the questions you raised while exploring practical approaches to expand the Kizomba scene.


  • JMC Mayind

    – DMDS Moderator and Kizomba event organizer at KizGP

  • Daniel Schauenburg

    – Co-moderator and international dance teacher

  • George from DancewithGeorge

    – Professional dance teacher, trained in Madrid, based in Munich

  • Miriam

    – Organizer of the Kizznfection Festival

  • Daniel from Angola

    – DJ and authentic Angolan cuisine expert

  • João Rocha from Lisbon

    – Kizomba and Semba dance teacher

This edition promises valuable insights into the cultural and global development of Kizomba – Complete broadcast from October 18, 2024 on  und KizGP/DMDS

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